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Define an inbound connector

Implementation of inbound connectors is different from the official Camunda SDK.

Instead of automatically fetching Intermediate Catch Events from the Operate server, this runtime relies on a process instance activating the inbound connector explicitly using a service task.

Once activated, the runtime will create a new async task that will execute the connector logic and publish a message to Zeebe with the result.

Similar to outbound connectors, inbound connectors are defined as classes derived from InboundConnector.

import asyncio

from pydantic import Field

from python_camunda_sdk import InboundConnector

class SleepConnector(InboundConnector):
    duration: int = Field(description="Duration of sleep in seconds")

    async def run(self) -> bool:
        await asyncio.sleep(self.duration)
        return True

    class ConnectorConfig:
        name = "Sleep"
        type = 'sleep'
from .log import LogConnector
from .sleep import SleepConnector

Once started, this connector will sleep for a given duration and then publish a message to Zebee with a name and correlation key configured in Modeler.

Import the SleepConnector and add it to the runtime inbound_connectors.

from python_camunda_sdk import CamundaRuntime, InsecureConfig

from log import LogConnector
from sleep import SleepConnector

config = InsecureConfig(

runtime = CamundaRuntime(

if __name__ == "__main__":
import asyncio

from pydantic import Field

from python_camunda_sdk import InboundConnector

class SleepConnector(InboundConnector):
    duration: int = Field(description="Duration of sleep in seconds")

    async def run(self) -> bool:
        await asyncio.sleep(self.duration)
        return True

    class ConnectorConfig:
        name = "Sleep"
        type = 'sleep'
from .log import LogConnector
from .sleep import SleepConnector

Restart the runtime.

$ python example/
2023-08-03 21:09:30.829 | INFO     | python_camunda_sdk.runtime.runtime:main:114 - Loading LogConnector (log)
2023-08-03 21:09:30.829 | INFO     | python_camunda_sdk.runtime.runtime:main:114 - Loading Sleep (sleep)
2023-08-03 21:09:30.829 | INFO     | python_camunda_sdk.runtime.runtime:main:117 - Starting runtime

Now both LogConnector and SleepConnector are active.